HUM306: Gender and History

Submitted by francisco.grimaldi on Tue, 09/01/2020 - 19:43
Size of the team
number of researchers number of supporting staff number of PhD students
Composition of Joint Unit of Research, if relevant

Active from 1995 to the present. Its first responsible researcher has been the Professor of Modern History of the UCA, Mª José de la Pascua Sánchez, until January 2010 and continuing as responsible from that date to the present the Professor of Contemporary History, Gloria Espigado Tocino.
It has 14 researchers (four are teachers at the UCA), of which 11 doctoral students and three doctoral students.
Our research interest is focused on women's history studies and our ethical commitment is to contribute to the expansion of historical knowledge by incorporating the experience of women for a full understanding of the past.
The web page of the Group where its past and present activities are carried out (participation in projects, publications and organization of congresses, seminars and courses) can be consulted at the following address:
The Group has organized International Congresses such as the V Colloquium of the Spanish Association of Historical Research on Women (AEIHM) (Cádiz, 1997), Congress, Frasquita Larrera and Aherán: European and Spanish Women between Enlightenment and Romanticism (Cádiz, 2000), Multidisciplinary Congress Women and Desire. Representations and Practices of Life (Cádiz, 2003) and the XVII National Colloquium of the Spanish Society for the History of Education (SEDHE) (Cádiz, 2013). Also the International Seminar. Feminities represented and alternative subjectivities: women between modernity and contemporaneity (Cádiz, 2016).
She has participated in numerous consecutive R+D+I projects, with collaborations with female researchers from other Spanish, European and American universities.
Currently the Group supports and directs the R+D+I Project of the Knowledge Generation programme, financed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities: Coordinated "Gender, Culture and Subjectivity: beyond the policies of Knowledge (XV-XX centuries)" GEPOCO (2019-2022).PGC2018-097445-B-C21 whose reference page of activities is:
Specifically within the present R+D+I project, the line of research that the Group intends to develop is related to the study of "Spaces of knowledge, culture and female agency in the Modern and Contemporary World (XV-XX centuries)".
It is proposed to investigate the spaces that facilitated the processes of immersion carried out by women in the field of culture and that sought their access to knowledge throughout the Modern and Contemporary ages. Understood in all their variety, versatility and historical evolution, to constitute bridges of access to knowledge, the basis of a feminine agency essential for the self-awareness of their position as subjects in the world.
Our approach to this focus of attention is inscribed within an interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological vision that adds up from the contribution of different disciplines (History, Literature, Arts, Sociology, Anthropology), establishing a dialogue between different approaches and ways of dealing with the crossroads between culture and the construction of identities. The space of creation, education, training, in each context, becomes the physical and/or symbolic place where the body, the mind, the experience, the language, the beliefs, the reason, the emotion, offer the possibility of individuation for the women who inhabited them and gave them breath.
The broad chronological framework (XV-XX centuries) is intended to serve to trace and analyse the dynamics of change produced in the configuration of these generated spaces of knowledge, attending to a Hispanic geographical framework that also includes cultural flows with Hispanic America and, likewise, in comparative relation with the countries of the European environment.

PI name
PI bio

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7209-4566

Graduated in Geography and History in 1984 from the University of Salamanca, she joined the University of Cadiz as a Research Fellow of the Ministry of Education and Science in 1986. In this university she obtained her doctorate in 1992, with the highest qualification, obtaining the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. Professor of Contemporary History in 1996 and University Professor since 1917, after accreditation by the Aneca obtained in June 2014.
Within the research section, she has developed different lines of research related to the study of political cultures in Spain during the 19th century, especially those related to republicanism and anarchism. He has also devoted attention to the history of education and to spaces of cultural diffusion such as the press. Linked to these topics, he has dedicated himself preferably to the History of Women. He has been particularly concerned with the process of building and elaborating a female civic identity during the 19th century, analysing women's political action related to different political cultures, such as liberalism, republicanism, utopian socialism, internationalism, etc.
She has been involved in cultural and political history studies, and has especially analysed nineteenth-century political discourses on the female condition, contrasting the shaping elements of the liberal domestic archetype with the counter-hegemonic and alternative discourses proposed by fourierism, republicanism, internationalism and anarchism.
The study of the political action of women related to these social movements has helped her to outline the bases of a female militancy, attending to multiple aspects concerning the formation of an identity of political significance, the generation of spaces of shared sociability, the learning of practices and repertoires for action, etc., which have thrown light on the first steps of feminism in Spain, especially during the period of the Democratic Sexennial (1868-1874), a historical stage to which she has dedicated a good part of her research.
Her research work has also been recognised outside her university, so she has been a guest lecturer in courses, conferences and congresses at a number of Spanish and foreign universities such as Paris VIII, Paris III, the Metropolitan University of Mexico or the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, having spent time at Paris VIII in the Salvador de Madariaga programme in 2010.
She has participated in numerous projects and is currently Principal Investigator of the current project: Gender, culture and subjectivity: beyond the politics of knowledge (XV-XX centuries).PGC2018-097445-B-C21
Head of the Research Group of the P.A.I. of the Junta de Andalucía, "History and Gender" (HUM 306) approved in 1994, since January 2010.
Director of the Trocadero Magazine, from June 2003 to May 2, 2012.
Deputy Director of Ayer Magazine, member of the Editorial Board since September 2016 and continues.
Member of the Advisory Board of the journal Historia Social since 2016 and continues.
Member of the Advisory Board of the journal Millars. Espai i Història since April 2018.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Atenea Universidad de Málaga collection since 2019.
Coordinator of the UHU-UCA Master's Degree "Gender, identity and citizenship" 2012-2015.

Contact person and e-mail
Contact person
Contact person e-mail
Short description of research profile

Women's History and gender realtions in Modern and Contemporary Andalusia.
Social and Cultural Women's History  and gender relations in the Modern and Contemporary World


Representative publications

1. "Orden liberal y sufragio femenino en España durante el siglo XIX" en Josep Luis Martín Berbois y Susanna Tavera (eds.) Sufragisme i sufragistes: reivindicant la ciudadanía polítca de les dones. 605 págs. Gloria Espigado Tocino   Barcelona, Memorial Democràtic, Generalitat de Catalunya (2019) Vol:  . Pgs: 89-123
2. "Vivir en soledad, vivir en compañía: las mujeres y el mundo familiar en el siglo XVIII hispano" y "En la Estela de las Luces. La marquesa de Villafranca, una ilustrada del siglo XIX", dos capítulos de libro independientes Mª José de la Pascua Sánchez y Gloria Espigado Tocino, respectivamente Manuel-Reyes García Hurtado (ed.) El siglo XVIII en femenino. Las mujeres en el siglo de las Luces, Síntesis, 2016, pp. 151-190 y 251-276, respectivamente ISBN 978-84-9077-271-3
3. A la sombra de hombres ausentes: mujeres malcasadas  en el mundo hispánico del setecientos Mª José de la Pascua Sánchez Studia Histórica. Historia Moderna, 2016, nº38, pp. 97-142 Dossier Crisis familiares y curso de vida en la España Moderna
4. La carmelita María de San José (Salazar), una priora rebelde Mª José de la Pascua Sánchez Ángela Atienza (ed.), Mujeres en el claustro y en el siglo. Autoridad y poder en el mundo religioso femenino (siglos XVI-XVIII), Silex, 2018, pp.53-82. ISBN 978-84-7737-973-7
5. La Constitución de Cádiz. Genealogía y desarrollo del sistema educativo liberal Gloria Espigado Tocino, Juan Gómez Fernández, Mª José de la Pascua Sánchez, Juan Luis Sánchez Villanueva y Carmen Vázquez Domínguez (eds.) La constitución de Cádiz. Genealogía y desarrollo del sistema educativo liberal. XVII Coloquio Nacional de Historia de la Educación, Servicio de Publicaciones  de la Universidad de Cádiz, 2013, 926 págs. ISBN 978-84-9828-437-9

Link to extended list of publication

Technology Expertise

The Group works and applies the different methodologies and techniques related to historical research. It works with archival, bibliographic and newspaper sources existing in the various national archives such as the National Historical Archive and the National Library, the Municipal Newspaper Library of Madrid, the National Historical Archive (Noble Section), the General Archive of Simancas, the General Archive of the Administration. Also with the funds deposited in the different local and provincial archives and libraries.
Archives and libraries of other countries such as the National Library of France, National Archives of Paris, British Library of London, various archives of Portugal, Italy and Chile.
It also works on the techniques of Oral History, based on the realization and analysis of interviews.
He works on methodologies related to the interpretation of discourses and images.
The group mainly incorporates the methodologies of gender studies and socio-cultural history. The Group is attentive to and incorporates new approaches to the historical discipline such as the new biography, the history of emotions and political cultures.