The Mass Spectrometry platform has a Bruker Daltonics Autoflex III Smartbeam, Maldi Tof. It is known on the market as state-of-the-art equipment, for its exceptional performance, reliability and practical and innovative design.
There are many thematics of application. The different ionizing matrices available, their hydrophobicity and their specificity according to the ranges of masses to be separated, make it possible to obtain spectra of:
- Proteins,
- Synthetic and natural polymers,
- Chemical compounds of syntheses,
- Organometallic compounds, ...
The platform also has an Electrospray Waters Synapt XS installed in March 2020.
It makes it possible to study molecules with low molecular weights, in particular from syntheses but also the study of all compounds with multiple loads.
Its great sensitivity makes it a tool of choice for the study of traces.
Data acquisition protocols are developed in close collaboration with the platform owner.
Spectra recordings takes only a few minutes.