The UCASE Software Engineering Research Group,

Submitted by francisco.grimaldi on Tue, 07/07/2020 - 09:50
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Inmaculada Medina-Bulo received  her PhD  in  Computer  Science  at  the  Univ.  of Seville.  She  has  worked  in  the  Dep. of Computer Science and Engineering of the Univ. of Cádiz (Spain) since 1995. She pursues an international projection with strong links to other groups in Spain, Germany, and UK. She publishes in top international venues and contribute with reviewing and conference organisation. She has led several PhD Thesis, projects and excellence networks too, developed software tools, participated in specialised consulting and data analysis contracts, and her current research interests focus on Software Testing, Search  Based  Software  Engineering, SOA 2.0, CEP, Big Data, IoT, and Decision Making.

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Short description of research profile

The UCASE Software Engineering Research Group, which was founded in the University of Cádiz in 2011, focuses on all aspects of Software Engineering and its domain-specific areas. It consists of 16 members, including senior, junior researchers, and research assistants. UCASE, whose members have enjoyed research stays in such diverse places as the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Germany, or Austria, has an international projection with strong links to other research groups in Spain, Germany and United Kingdom.

UCASE members regularly publish papers in international journals, conferences and symposia, as well as contribute with invited talks, peer-reviewing, conference organisation, and other services to the research community. Our research interests include Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE), Software Verification and Validation (V&V), Software Testing, Optimization Problems, Web Service Compositions, Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), Model-Driven Development (MDD), Complex Event Processing (CEP), Event-Driven Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA 2.0), Context-Awareness, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Decision Making.

We have led numerous competitive research projects, among others, MoDSOA, DArDOS and FAME, supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European funds (ERDF), and SmartHealthyPort supported by the International Campus of Excellence in Marine Science (CEIMAR). Besides, we have participated in other projects, networks and proposals led by other research groups, such as H2020 European projects. As a consequence, we have developed a wide array of software tools to support our research, such as MuBPEL, GAmeraHOM, Rodan, nITROGEN, COLLECT, CARED-SOA, MEdit4CEP, EView4CEP, and TextEdit4CEP, some of which have been made available as free software or open-source software. In addition, we lead the Spanish Excellence Network in Search-Based Software Engineering (SEBASENet).

Regarding transfer activities, we have participated in contracts ranging from expert reports and specialised technical consulting to software development and data analysis, in such broad areas as Banking, Aerospace, and Defence.

As for our mid and long term interests, we are ready to transfer research results from Search-Based Software Engineering (SBSE), Software Testing, and Real-Time Big Data Analytics, combining CEP, SOA 2.0, IoT and MDD with advanced user interfaces, to several target application areas. These areas include e-Health, Smart Cities, Cybersecurity, Digital Transformation and Industry 4.0, to help decision making and address the ever-changing challenges of our society.


Representative publications

Evaluation of EPL mutation operators with the MuEPL mutation system Gutiérrez-Madroñal, Lorena; Medina-Bulo, Inmaculada; Domínguez-Jiménez, Juan José Expert Systems With Applications   (2019) Vol: 116. Pgs: 78-95
COLLECT: COLLaborativE ConText-aware service oriented architecture for intelligent decision-making in the Internet of Things García de Prado, Alfonso; Boubeta-Puig, Juan; Ortiz, Guadalupe Expert Systems with Applications. 2017. Vol: 85. Pgs: 231-248 10.1016/j.eswa.2017.05.034
Evaluation of Mutation Testing in a Nuclear Industry Case Study Delgado-Pérez, Pedro; Habli, Ibrahim; Gregory, Steve; Alexander, Rob; Clark, John A.; Medina-Bulo, Inmaculada IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 2018. Vol: 67. Núm: 4. Pgs: 1406-1419
Exact Scalable Sensitivity Analysis for the Next Release Problem. Harman, Mark; Krinken, Jens; Medina-Bulo, Inmaculada; Palomo-Lozano, Francisco; Ren, J.; Yoo, S. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology. 2014. Vol: 23, Núm: 2. Pgs. 19:1-19:31
MEdit4CEP: A model-driven solution for real-time decision making in SOA 2.0 Boubeta-Puig, Juan; Ortiz, Guadalupe; Medina-Bulo, Inmaculada Knowledge Based Systems. 2015. Vol:89. Pgs: 97-112

Link to extended list of publication

Technology Expertise

UCASE is a research group which focuses on all aspects of Software Engineering. Its members pursue an international projection with strong links to research groups in Spain, Germany, the UK, etc. They publish in top international venues and contribute with invited talks, reviewing and conference organisation.

They have led several projects and excellence networks too, developed software tools, participated in specialised consulting and data analysis contracts, and their main research interests are software testing, V&V, Context-Awareness, SBSE, SOA, EDA, MDD, CEP, Big Data, IoT, and Decision Making.