In the frame of the group for the Philological Study of Hellenistic and Late Greek Texts, five R+D+I Research Projects have been carried out, financed by the National Plans for Scientific Research and Technological Development of the MINECO. At pre-sent, the research deals with the project "Thematic migrations between prose and verse: the Hellenistic Elegy" (FFI2017-85015-P), in which the theoretical approaches of the content shifts between prose and verse in the Hellenistic period will be reviewed, taking the pivotal role of elegy as a reference point.
ORCID ID 0000-0002-5312-3245
PhD in Classical Philology since 1994. My research has been focused on the study of prose and poetry from the Hellenistic, Imperial and late periods. I have published papers in the main international Journals of Classical Philology: HSCP, LEC, ZPE, Euphrosyne, REG, as well as in the main national journals: Emerita, Cuadernos de Filología Clásica, Habis, Myrtia, etc.; regarding books and chapters of books, my papers are included in some of the most important publishing houses of Classical Philology: Gredos, De Gruy-ter, Peeters, Brill or Levante Editori.
- Philological study (text editing, translation and philological-literary commentary, metrical-prosodic studies, etc.) of Greek texts of the Hellenistic and Imperial periods, with an integral vision of post-classical Greek philology.
- Greek Medicine.
- Greek Philosophy
- Classical Tradition and Greek Humanism.
- Modern Greek
Representative publications
Link to extended list of publication
Analysis and elucidation of the profound aetiology of literary phenomena and the study of the phenomena of generic crossings and levelling, genre and meta-genre, generic boundaries and thresholds, the relationship between the classical Aristotelian poetry and the Hellenistic poetry, the phenomena of turning prose into poetry or vice versa, poetic prose versus poetry written in prose and the diffuse limits between prose and verse and, in recent years, poetry and meta-poetry around the cyclical conception of poetry.