head of the group: dr hab. Katarzyna Wojczulanis-Jakubas, prof. UG
Other group members:
For a long time the great part of our scientific activity has taken place in the Arctic and recently in the Antarctic as well. We work there on the basis of polar stations: The Stanisław Siedlecki Polish Polar Station in Hornsund, SW Spitsbergen and The Henryk Arctowski Antarctic Station on King George Island, Admiralty Bay. However, we also camp in other polar regions e.g. in Magdalenefjorden (NW Spitsbergen) or Bear Island.
The wide sphere of our studies includes:
- The impact of large seabird colonies on terrestrial and marine ecosystem
- The impact of climate change on birds' phenology and reproduction
- The impact of ocean currents changes on the quality and availability of seabirds' food
- foraging and breeding ecology, behavioural ecology of polar seabirds
Representative publications
Link to extended list of publication
- fieldwork in Arctic and Antarctic conditions
- GPS and GLS tracking
- statistical analyses (Canoco, R, ArcGIS)
- molecular analyses
- bioacoustic analyses (Raven, R)
- video recording and analyses of animal behaviour
- chemical analyses of water, soil and plant samples
- scuba diving