Early Christian and Medieval Art; Orthodox Art of Eastern Europe

Submitted by Barbara Klassa on Fri, 04/24/2020 - 20:21
Faculty of History
Size of the team
number of researchers number of supporting staff number of PhD students
Contact person and e-mail
Contact person
Mirosław Piotr Kruk
Contact person e-mail
Short description of research profile

Culture and history of art of Europe of the Middle Ages and modern times, especially of Slavic Orthodox and Byzantine World; the history of the culture of the Eastern Church in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, especially the history of icon painting in relation to other centers of orthodox painting

Research area

Representative publications

Mirosław P. Kruk, Ikony – obrazy w świątyniach rzymsko – katolickich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej [Icons –images in the Roman-catholic churches in the former Poland], Kraków 2011, p. 1 – 471 + LXXVIII panels with figures ISBN 978-83-7624-081-7 https://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/artdok/2737/1/Kruk_Ikony_obrazy_w_swiatyniach_2011.pdf
Mirosław P. Kruk, Ikony XIV-XVI wieku w zbiorach Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie = Icons from the 14th-16th centuries in the National Museum in Krakow. Vol. 1, Katalog = Catalogue, Kraków 2019, 759 pp.: il. ISBN: 978-83-7581-293-0 ; ISBN: 978-83-7581-294-7 (vol. I)
Ikony XIV-XVI wieku w zbiorach Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie = Icons from the 14th-16th centuries in the National Museum in Krakow. Vol. 2, Badania technologiczne = Technological tests, ed. M. P. Kruk [P. Frączek, M. Grzesiak-Nowak, J. M. del Hoyo-Meléndez, M. Kędzierski, A. Klimek, A. Klisińska-Kopacz, M. Krąpiec, M. P. Kruk, W. Łasocha, K. Małek, M. Obarzanowski, M. Płotek, J. Ptak, A. Rafalska-Łasocha, D. Tarsińska-Petruk, M. Walczak], 343 pp.; il. ISBN: 978-83-7581-295-4 (vol. II)  
Ikony XIV-XVI wieku w zbiorach Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie = Icons from the 14th-16th centuries in the National Museum in Krakow. Vol. 3, Ilustracje = Illustrations, ed. M. P. Kruk [P. Frączek, M. Obarzanowski], 611 pp.; il. ISBN: 978-83-7581-296-1 (vol. III)
Rome, Constantinople and Newly – Converted Europe. Archaeological and Historical Evidence, ed. M. Hardt, M. P. Kruk, M. Salamon, P. Špehar, A. Sulikowska – Gąska, M. Wołoszyn, I, (= U Źródeł Europy Środkowo – Wschodniej / Frühzeit Ostmitteleuropas), Kraków – Leipzig – Rzeszów – Warszawa 2012: ISBN 978-3-86583-659-5; ISBN 978-83-89499-85-1; ISBN 978-83-936467-0-8

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