Group for Mathematical Physics

Submitted by moderator_US on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 14:55
Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, University of Split
Size of the team
number of researchers number of supporting staff number of PhD students
Composition of Joint Unit of Research, if relevant

Saša Krešić-Jurić, noncommutative spaces, integrable systems

Tea Martinic-Bilac, noncommutative spaces

PI name
Saša Krešić-Jurić
PI email
Contact person and e-mail
Contact person
Saša Krešić-Jurić
Contact person e-mail
Short description of research profile

The research is focused on realizations of noncommutative spaces in the context of deformation theory and their applications to geometry and physics. Specifically, we investigate realizations of the kappa-deformed space, the Lorentz and Poincare algebras as well as general Lie-algebra type noncommutative spaces by formal power series in the Heisenberg-Weyl algebras and their generalizations. We also study realizations of some Lie superalgebras which arise naturally in the geometry of differential forms on noncommutative spaces. A part of the research is devoted to investigation of Lie algebraic methods in integrable systems, in particular application of the Riemann-Hilbert problem on loop groups in studying integrability and symmetries of some nonlinear evolution equations. In the near future we plan to study integrable discretizations and geometric numerical integration of evolution equations which can be formulated as a Lax pair or zero-curvature equation with a spectral parameter.


Representative publications

Generalized Heisenberg algebra applied to realizations of the orthogonal, Lorentz and Poincare algebras and their dual extensions (with S. Meljanac and T. Martinic-Bilac) J. Math. Phys. 61, 051705 (2020).
Generalization of Weyl realization to a class of Lie superalgebras (with S. Meljanac and D. Pikutic), J. Math. Phys. 59 (2), 021701 (2018).
Realization of bicovariant differential calculus on Lie algebra type noncommutative spaces (with S. Meljanac and T. Martinic), J. Math. Phys. 58, 071701 (2017).
The Weyl realization of Lie algebras and left-right duality (with S. Meljanac and T. Martinic), J. Math. Phys. 57, 051704 (2016).
Differential algebras on kappa-Minkowski space, and kappa-Poincare algebra (with S. Meljanac), Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 26 (20), 3385-3402 (2011).