SEJ545 Work, Politics and Gender

Submitted by francisco.grimaldi on Fri, 07/31/2020 - 12:31
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Since 2002 she has developed intensive and ongoing research focused on four main lines of research, all of them within the field of Sociology of Work and Employment: migration, gender, employment and labour relations. Throughout these years she has participated as researcher in eleven projects: four international inter-university cooperation projects with Latin American universities, one financed by the European Commission, three from the State R+D+i Plan and three financed by the Andalusian Regional Government. Moreover, she has been or is the lead researcher of two projects financed by the European Commission (D.G. of Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) within the tender of the program "Improving Expertise in the Field of Industrial Relations" in which the UCA participates or has participated as partner university. Furthermore, she has participated in six Research Results Transfer Office (OTRI by its acronym in Spanish) contracts, being responsible for three of those.
This international profile has been strengthened by research residencies at renowned European universities and institutions: the London Metropolitan University, the Université Libre de Bruxelles, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) and the European Trade Union Institute. She has also undertaken residencies in Latin American universities such as the UNAM and the University of Guadalajara in Mexico and the University of San Martin in Argentina.
This research activity has resulted, on the one hand, in the publication of articles, mostly in international or Spanish journals of relevance in the field of Sociology (Cuadernos de Relaciones Laborales, Sociología del Trabajo, Revista Internacional de Sociología, Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, Papers, Transfer or the Journal of Family Studies), two books and ten book chapters. On the other hand, she has participated as a lecturer or speaker in a wide number of national and international conferences and conventions, as well as in several national and international seminars.
She is currently responsible for the research group "Work, politics and gender" belonging to the Andalusian Research Plan (SEJ 545) and is also part of the research group "Employment, gender and social cohesion regimes " (EGECO by its Spanish acronym) of the Complutense University of Madrid. She is also founder and coordinator of the Latin American Network of Researchers on Work, Gender and Daily Life, registered and financed by the Latin American University Association of Postgraduate Studies.


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Short description of research profile

Well-being and living conditions
Political elites and representation
Employment, unemployment and job insecurity
Intersectionality and gender inequalities
Foreign policy, international relations and migrations
Public policies
Labour relations, trade unionism and social movements
Sociology of health
Working in the digital economy
Work, gender and daily life

Research area

Representative publications

The changing conceptions of time in the social scheme of daily life: a work-life balance approach Sofía Pérez de Guzmán Padrón, Ester Ulloa Unanue y Marcela Iglesias Onofrio Journal of Family Studies   (2020) Vol: por asignar (publicado online first). Pgs:  -
Desigualdades laborales de género, disponibilidad temporal y normatividad social Prieto, Carlos; Pérez de Guzmán, Sofía Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas. 2013. Núm. 41. Pgs. 113-132
From Relevant Capabilities to Relevant Indicators: Defining an Indicator System for Children¿s Well-Being in Spain Domínguez Serrano, Monica; Del Moral Espín, Lucía Child Indicators Research. 2018. Vol. 11. Núm. 1. Pgs. 1-25
Political Exchange, crisis of representation and trade union strategies in a time of austerity: trade unions and 15M in Spain Pérez de Guzmán, Sofía; Roca, Beltrán; Díaz, Iban Transfer. 2016. Vol. 1. Núm. 14. Pgs. 461-474
Women’s Political Firsts and Symbolic Representation Vergé, Tania; Pastor, Raquel Politics & Policy. 2017. Vol. 39. Núm. 1. Pgs. 26-50

Link to extended list of publication

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The research group Work, Politics and Gender (TPG by its Spanish acronym) is largely composed of professors from the area of Sociology, and is based at the University of Cadiz. We develop our research within the framework of Sociology, focusing on three major thematic areas: work, politics and gender inequalities. In the field of work, we carry out research on inequalities in the labour market, as well as on labour relations and working conditions. Migratory movements and, particularly, labour immigration are also relevant issues in this field. The area of politics includes the analysis of public policies, studies on political representation, and research on foreign policy and international relations. Following a cross-sectional approach, we consider and apply a gender and intersectionality perspective in all our research.