Seven doctors 3 seniors 4 juniors
The research has been focussed in mathematical models of diffusion, tumour evolution etc. The methods used have been: Group transformations. Reductions. Conservation laws . etc
Journal papers 189
Conferences 175
Grants 75
Chapterss 72
Deva Evaluation 2017 : 20,50
.Scientific Quality
From 0 to 18: 17
From 0 to 3,5: 3,5
34 journal papers
6 chapters
32 conferences
Recaida 0 PR-214 FECYT
ORCI ID: 0000-0001-8604-
Her research has been focussed in mathematical models of diffusion, tumour evolution etc. The methods used have been: Group transformations. Reductions. Conservation laws . etc
She started methods such as nonclassical potential symmetries and Weak- selfadjointness J of Phys. A: Math Theor. (2011) 110 cites.
-Adviser of 6 Doctoral thesis
-5 research autonomic steps last 2005
-4 research steps last 2016.
-Index h 22 and 1831 cites in Google academic.
-Index h 16 in Web of Science with 155 publications and 1031 cites.
- Scopus among Uca Authors with more publications 2013-2017.
Member of the editorial board of four international journals
Group transformations:symmetries and equivalence transformations.
Conservation laws.
Nonclassical method. Potential symmetries.
Mathematical modelling of chemotherapy resistance in tumor development.
Exact solutions,Quañitative analysis.
Nonlinear waves and solitons.
Nonlocal symmetries and nonlocal related systems.
Diffusion systems: bacterial growth, tumor evolution. Other models from physics, medicine, engineering and economy.
Representative publications
Link to extended list of publication
- Symmetry transformation groups applied to PDEs and ODEs: reductions.
- Generalizations: non-classical methods and potential symmetries.
- Direct methods to obtain exact solutions.
- Non-linear waves studies and solitons.
- Qualitative analysis.
- Conservation laws.
- Non-local symmetries and non-locally-related systems.
- Diffusion systems. Model studies.
- Mathematical modelling of hematopoiesis and leukemia: dynamics and treatments.
- Data analysis (clustering techniques, heterogeneity of spatially distributed data, etc.) and machine learning strategies.