Since its beginning in 1991, the Group has been focusing on the different French-speaking literatures of Europe, Africa, America.
Research has been directed towards different domains, the analysis of authors and their most relevant works and their reception in Spain, as well as the study of the different translations into Spanish.
Little by little, the field of more specific research has been opened up as shown by the articles and books devoted to emigration and women's literature.
All the collaborators have been teaching at university level, both in the French Studies Degree and in Doctorate and Master's courses.
ORCID ID 0000-0001-7627-6810
Professor of Belgian Francophone Literatures at the University of Cádiz since 2016.
With a 44-year teaching at the same University. The subjects of Belgian Francophone Literature and French Literature of the 17th and 18th centuries have been mainly taught.
Teaching in different Doctorate courses and currently in the Master of International Communication since its introduction.
As can be seen in the research curriculum, there are many articles published in international and national journals, as well as numerous book chapters. Collaborations in a History of Francophone Literatures and in a Dictionary of Spanish translations by French-speaking authors.
Guest assistant to numerous international and national conferences with communications always published in the respective Minutes or as a book chapter of prestigious publishers
The result of this research is to have obtained 5 six-year periods
Study of the French language literatures of Europe, Africa or America.
Analysis of representative authors and their respective works.
Study of the reception in Spain and the different translations.
Literature of emigration.
Women's literature in the French language.
Representative publications
Link to extended list of publication
The members of the Group use the necessary bibliography to know the author treated as well as the works analyzed.
Access to the different archives of national and international libraries is essential.
The foundation of the works will be carried out with different analytical methods depending on the critical schools used.