The group Language, Computing, Knowledge (HUM571) began its path in 1997 when some researchers from the fields of linguistics, logic, computer engineering and the history of science come together not only with the intention of reinforcing their personal careers, but also to achieve some joint achievement. This is reflected when the members of the group collaborated during 1999-2002 in the research project Gramáticas categoriales en acción (PB98-0590), financed by Plan Nacional de I+D del Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología. Collaboration with other research groups (HUM147, HUM218, UM571, HUM392 and HUM194) has also been carried out through coordinated actions. The researchers of this group have collaborated in the University of Cádiz and in other public universities in various research projects, all of them related to some of its priority lines of research. The members of this group have continued the task of disseminating the results of their work publishing articles in prestigious scientific journals, monographs, book chapters, presentations and communications at conferences, etc.
ORCID ID 0000-0002-8004-7057
Full Professor of Spanish at the University of Cádiz. Also, I have taught at the Institut für Angewandte Linguistik und Translatologie and at the Institut für Romanistik at the University of Leipzig, at the School of Modern Languages at the University of Nottingham, at the Romanische Seminar at the University of Cologne , in the Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Romanze of the University of Pisa and in the Department of Spanish of the Catholic University Péter Pázmány of Hungary. My teaching and my scientific production focus on the field of descriptive syntax in current Spanish. I have published, as a sole author or as a partial author, fifteen books. I have published nearly sixty papers in scientific journals and at international conferences. Since 2001, I am principal investigator for the research group "Language, computing, knowledge" (PAI, HUM571).
- Application of logical systems to parsing and to knowledge representation in non-monotone systems
- Spanish L2 methodology
- Formal models for scientific knowledge from a historical perspective
- Sentence syntax, paradigmatics, and morfology aimed at language learning and improving the computerized use of linguistic corpora
- Descriptive Spanish grammar
-Spanish pragmatic analysis
Representative publications
Link to extended list of publication
Techniques and methodologies for descriptive Spanish grammar.
- Spanish L2 methodology.
- Techniques and methodologies for Spanish pragmatic analysis.
- Linguistic corpora.
- Techniques and methodologies for scientific knowledge from a historical perspective.
- Techniques and methodologies for application of logical systems to parsing and to knowledge representation in non-monotone systems.