Photo of the research group

Humanities and Social Sciences
Composition of Joint Unit of Research, if relevant
The CBRC consists of two components, the CBRC Brest at the University of Western Brittany and the CBRC Rennes at the University of Rennes 2.
PI name
Yves Coativy
PI email
Contact person
Contact person e-mail
WWW page address
Short description of research profile
The Centre de recherche bretonne et celtique (CRBC) is a multidisciplinary research laboratory whose 43 members (historians, linguists, Anglicists and Celticists, enthnologists, sociologists...) explore topics and areas of research within Breton and Celtic cultural domains. They also lead individual or collective research in other fields, across Europe, the Atlantic and beyond.
Research area
Scientific Themes (keywords)
Representative publications