The TECHYP platform pools and organizes all the equipment of the MATRF department of the Lab-STICC laboratory. TECHYP provides to the UBO Lab-STICC researchers, as well as other academic and industrial entities through services, the possibility of using specialized equipment for the modeling, development and characterization of high frequencies materials, devices and complex system architectures.
The facilities capability and access are listed below :
-Modeling facilities:
TECHYP offers a wide range of numerical simulation software (ANSYS Pack, Keysight, CST, Comsol). Most of the software used are academic ones. Hence, only academic related research that is both non-proprietary & being performed at an academic entity without any commercial entity participation. However our Ansys Associate license covers any (commercial) related research that is both non-proprietary & being performed in association with an academic entity.
TECHYP has a specific computing cluster dedicated to the fast simulation of very complex structures in the field of electromagnetics. The cluster consists of 31 compute nodes (412 cores, 4TRAM).
The hardware resources of these clusters are available via services to any academic or industrial entities.
-Measurement facilities:
The equipment dedicated to the electromagnetic characterization of materials of the TECHYP platform are listed below:
• S-parameters VNA measurements: (10MHz-110 GHz for passive/10MHz-67GHz for active components)
• Probe stations with thermal control up to 110 GHz
• 110 GHz material dielectric characterisations: cavity, waveguide, line measurements / free space measurements.
• EM characterization methods for the extraction of properties (complex epsilon, mu) of various materials (ferrites, dielectrics,…) in various states or shapes of matter (liquids, solids,…), in frequency ranges from UHF to W bands and under controlled atmosphere (-70° to +100°C / controlled humidity).
-Technology and elaboration :
In addition to simulation and measurement resources, TECHYP possesses technological means allowing the synthesis and the shaping of new materials (thin or thick layers, 3D).
These equipment are also supplemented by material characterization equipment allowing the study of material properties (profilometer, dilatometer, pycnometer, VSM, Hysterismometer)