Short description of shared resource
JEOL JEM 1400 Flash is a 120 kV TEM-transmission electron microscope with high contrast and brightness and an integrated high-quality sCMOS high-resolution camera system.
JEM 1400 Flash microscope can use both LaB6 cathodes and W cathodes without additional hardware changes on the microscope and has a resolution:
Point resolution - 0.38nm, lattice resolution - 0.2 nm.
The sample stand is fully motorized in the x, y and z directions of travel. +
- Diamond knife 2 mm 45˚
- Ultra-micro RMC Boeckeler with PT XL75498 controller - POWERTOME - with a powerful power-driven cutting stroke, which does not give up on a harder sample or a large sample block.
Scientific disciplines
Scientific Themes (keywords)