Photo of the research group

Composition of Joint Unit of Research, if relevant
Since 2012, the Brest component CRPC-CLCS is part of the multi-site Research Unit EA 4050 "Research in Psychopathology, new symptoms and social link" which federates components from Angers, Brest, Poitiers and Rennes 2.
At the UBO, the CRPC-CLCS is a member of the Institut Brestois des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société -IBSHS, a federative structure for research in human and social sciences.
PI name
Luz Zapata
PI email
Contact person
Luz Zapata
Contact person e-mail
WWW page address
Short description of research profile
Axis 1: Suffering, trauma and the creative function of the symptom
Axis 2: Clinic of family ties and institutional logics
Research area
Representative publications