Articles has been published in journals Q1 in its area: American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory Integrative and Comparative Physiology (PHYSIOLOGY), impact factor 3.82; Antioxidants & Redox Signaling (BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY), impact factor 8.21; Front. Biosc. (BIOCHEMICAL AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY), impact factor 4.05; Free Radical Bio. Med. (BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY), impact factor 5.39
Times cited without self citations: 859; citing articles without self citations: 749; average citations per ítem: 88.4; average citations (2011-2019): 59.1 per year
(ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9619-5927)
- Role of mitocondria in ROS and RNS generation and its influence in aging and neurodegeneration.
- Risk factors related with the neurodegenerative diseases.
- Involvement of homocysteine in cell an tissue damage
Representative publications
Link to extended list of publication
Electrophoresis, Spectrophotometry, fluorimetry, PCR, oximetry, gas and thin layer chromatography, oximetry, electronic and conventional microscopy, basic laboratory handling.