The members of the MOVE-IT research team have a high rate of scientific production (>300 articles last 10 years), participation in national and international research projects (>30 last 10 years) as well as project management and competitive public fundraising (6 projects, >€1,100,000 last 5 years). As for the group's training capacity, the team of PhDs is currently directing a total of 16 doctoral theses in progress with expected completion dates in 3-4 years. The group's doctors are renowned speakers in their field, giving guest lectures at various national and international events and conferences.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8977-4744
The principal investigator has the following metrics: Nº of thesis=3 directed + 14 in development. Cites without own WoS/G.Schoolar: 2217/4279. Cites without own WoS/G.Schoolar since 2015: 1586/3037. Average Nº of cites per years and average Nº of cites last 5 years 184,8/317,2, respectively. Average citation per element/last 5 yrs: 21.5/8.9. Most cited article WoS/G.Schoolar: 224/442 citation as fist author. total Nº of publication: 98 including 85 indexed in WoS. From the 98 publications 90 papers, 7 book chapters and 1 monography. From the 90 papers, 84 papers are indexed in WoS/JCR, 4 are e-letters and 2 in others (SCIELO/ESCI). The WoS publications accumulated IF > 250 without e-letters and >380 in total. 35 article as first/last author (39%) and 6 articles as 2º author (7%). Last 5 years 34 publications; 18 as first/last authors. Total WoS publications in Q1:46 (52% total); last 5 yrs 18 (60%); 75% between Q1/Q2; In total 17 publications were in decil 1 and 20 in decil 2. Index-h Wos/Schoolar:27/34.Index-h since 2015 Wos/Schoolar:10/30. I10 index G.Schoolar: 61 and 54 since 2015.
3.- Physical activity, exercise and nutrition in people at risk of mild cognitive impairment and/or Alzheimer's disease.
4.- Sports performance, exercise physiology and health.
5.- Activities in nature as a means of promoting physical and mental health.
6.- Physical activity, exercise and nutrition in people with overweight, obesity or diabetes.
Representative publications
Link to extended list of publication
- Assessment of physical condition in different population groups.
- Objective physiological and functional assessment in a laboratory environment.
- Infrared thermography.
- Evaluation of performance parameters in athletes.
- Measurement of physical activity levels using triaxial accelerometry and questionnaire.
- Evaluation of peripheral and central oxygenation during the development of physical exercise.
- Analysis of body composition with precision techniques.
- Design and implementation of epidemiological studies, randomized studies (RCT), interventions with physical exercise in different population groups by age, health status, etc.