PI name
Jarosław Tęgowski
PI email
Contact person
Dominik Pałgan
Contact person e-mail
WWW page address
Short description of research profile
The Division is invested in non-invasive methods for seafloor research for classification of seabed types and geodynamics. In addition we carry: sedimentological studies of marine sediments, geomorphological study of the seafloor of various environments (Baltic Sea and Atlantic), geodynamic studies of coastal zone of the Baltic Sea and the dynamics of the Scandinavian ice sheet in Poland and glaciers in modern polar zones.
Research area
Scientific Themes (keywords)
Representative publications
Janowski, L., Trzcinska, K., Tegowski, J., Kruss, A., Rucinska-Zjadacz, M., and Pocwiardowski, P., 2018, Nearshore Benthic Habitat Mapping Based on Multi-Frequency, Multibeam Echosounder Data Using a Combined Object-Based Approach: A Case Study from the Rowy Site in the Southern Baltic Sea, Remote Sens., 10(12),
Kruss, A., Tegowski, J., Tatarek, A., Wiktor, J., and Blondel, P., 2017, Spatial distribution of macroalgae along the shores of Kongsfjorden (West Spitsbergen) using acoustic imaging, Pol. Polar Res. 38 (2), 205-229, DOI: 10.1515/popore-2017-0009
Magdalena, G., Maria, J., and Łęczyński L., 2018, The magnetic method as a tool to investigate the Werenskioldbreen environment (south-west Spitsbergen, Arctic Norway), Pol. Res., vol. 37, 1-9, DOI: 10.1080/17518369.2018.1436846
Sokołowski, R., Janowski Ł., Hryniewiecka, A., and Molodkovc, A., 2019, Evolution of fluvial system during the Pleistocene warm stage (Marine Isotope Stage 7): a case study from the Błądzikowo Formation, N Poland, Quat. Int.: The J. of the Int. Uni. for Quat. Res., 501, 109-119, DOI: 10.1016/j.quaint.2017.09.042
Rucińska-Zjadacz, M. and Wróblewski, R., 2018, The complex geomorphology of a barrier spit prograding into deep water, Hel Peninsula, Poland, Geo-Mar. Let., 38, 513-525, DOI: 10.1007/s00367-018-0554-6
Technology Expertise
RV Oceanograf, multibeam and singlebeam echo sounders, acoustic signal processing, Side-Scan Sonar, Sub-Bottom Profiler, Vibrocorer, sediemnt sieves, hydroacoustic data post-processing and interpretation, seafloor mapping and geological interpretations.