CIAC develops innovative research in the fields of artistic studies (visual arts, cinema, theatre) and cultural studies, communication and, more recently, literary studies (digital archives, critical digital editions), connecting the creation of platforms and the forms of communication of scientific knowledge in the designated areas. Since its inception, it has maintained an interdisciplinary character. It aims at developing applied research and research networks in the arts (in their broadest sense) and communication, and at implementing laboratories of artistic creation in the areas of Theatre, Cinema and other arts, namely focusing on the Mediterranean region.
It promotes and actively participates in the artistic and cultural activities of Algarve (the location of its headquarters) through specific protocols of collaboration with Municipalities, Cultural Associations and with the Algarve Regional Direction of Culture: it is now a relevant stakeholder for the region. The research produced at the CIAC is disseminated by the surrounding community through multiple outreach activities and discussed in various international networks.