Navigation Law

Submitted by francesca.salerno on Mon, 10/23/2023 - 18:44
Department of Law
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Francesca Salerno, Silvio Magnosi

PI name
Francesca Salerno
PI bio

 Francesca Salerno is full Professor at the Department of Law of the University of Naples "Parthenope" - Disciplinary scientific sector IUS / 06 (Navigation Law). She is currently Professor of Navigation Law, long-cicle master’s degree Course in Law and master’s degree Course in Maritime Economy. She is, also, Professor of Transport law and sustainable mobility, long-cicle master’s degree Course in Law. Her main research interests deal with airport regulations, sustainability of maritime and air transportation and automation and digitalization processes in the transportation sector.




Contact person and e-mail
Contact person
Francesca Salerno
Contact person e-mail
Short description of research profile

The research activity of the group focuses especially on the following main areas:

- Legislation on emissions related to maritime and transportation.

- Legislation on pollution caused by air transport.

- Airport management.

- Automation and digitalization in transportation.

- Transportation and climate change.

- Satellite air traffic control systems.

Research area

Representative publications

F. SALERNO, Le recenti misure per contrastare l'impatto ambientale del trasporto aereo, in Il Diritto marittimo, 2017, I, 68-92, ISSN: 0012-348X.
F. SALERNO, L’automazione nel trasporto stradale, ferroviario e multimodale, in Rivista del Diritto della Navigazione, 2020, I, 95-135, ISSN: 0035-5895.
F. SALERNO, Transizione ecologica e trasporto marittimo, in Rivista del Diritto della navigazione, 2022, II,  567-611- ISSN: 0035-5895.
S. MAGNOSI, Emissioni da grandi navi: recenti orientamenti normativi e prospettive, in Rivista del Diritto della Navigazione, 2016-II, 587,606, ISSN: 0035-5895.
S. MAGNOSI, Assistenza al volo: dagli impianti a terra ai sistemi satellitari, in Rivista del Diritto della Navigazione, 2018-I, 173-185,  ISSN: 0035-5895.

Link to extended list of publication