Laboratory of Genetic Analysis

Submitted by awroblewska on Mon, 01/10/2022 - 10:21
Type of availability
Kind of shared resource
Category of shared resource



Institute of Biotechnology, Abrahama 58, 80-307 Gdańsk, Poland, Core Facility, room 314 and P17

Contact person and e-mail
Contact person
Rafał Sądej, PhD
Contact person e-mail
Short description of shared resource

The laboratory offers a wide range of services related to the analysis of nucleic acids: purification and quality control of nucleic acids, genotyping (single nucleotide polymorphisms, microsatellites); detection of mutations with increased sensitivity, including analysis of free circulating DNA (so-called liquid biopsies), DNA methylation analysis, quantitative analysis of gene expression, pathogen detection, identification of microorganisms.

Scientific disciplines

Potential application

Potential application

Currently available applications of the Mass ARRAY Analyzer 4 platform with nanodispenser include: genotyping, detection of somatic mutations with increased sensitivity, including analysis of free circulating DNA (so-called liquid biopsies), copy number analysis, DNA methylation analysis, pathogen detection, identification of microorganisms.

2104 EnVision multilabel plate reader can be used in many measurement technologies such as absorbance, luminescence, fluorescence, fluorescence polarization, time-resolved fluorescence, including DELFIA®, LANCE ™ and TruPoint ™ (PerkinElmer) technologies, as well as measurements with AlphaScreen ™ and AlphaLisa ™. Examples of EnVision applications include various cellular, enzymatic and immunological tests, monitoring the expression of reporter genes, studying interactions between molecules, as well as quantitative analysis of low molecular weight compounds or specific proteins.

The most common applications of the LightCycler® 480 plate termocycler  include: gene quantification, gene detection, relative or absolute quantification/ gene expression analysis, genetic variation analysis, melting curve genotyping with labeled probes, endpoint genotyping, high resolution melting curve analysis.

Rules of access to the shared resource

Proposed rules of access to the shared resource

Access to the equipment is possible on the basis of free scientific cooperation.