human rights
[Compar-Con-Law]: Contemporary Comparative Constitutional Law
The main area of research for the entire research group are the following issues: direct / participatory / deliberative democracy - both in general and in relation to specific institutions, such as: national and local referendum, civic legislative initiative, civic budget, citizens' assemblies or re-call. The team also conducts research on various aspects of the judiciary.
Individual team members also conduct individual research - often in collaboration with foreign researchers - on other topics, such as:
Civil Law Department
For several decades, the Department of Civil Law has been conducting scientific research on the fundamental and topical problems of all branches of civil law, in particular obligations, in particular civil liability, property law, family law, medical law, intellectual property law, insurance and European private law.
Protection of human rights in healthcare
Research group is dedicated to explore the new ideas and practices in the field of fundamental human rights and field of health care and to bring new knowledge in this area. The subject of the research will be the protection of patient rights, the rights of other associated groups such as health workers, people with disabilities, vulnerable groups etc.
Migration, Human Rights and Education
The impact of (cultural) identity features on forming attitudes on migration. The research is structured into three levels:
i. into the general attitude towards migration,
ii. the relationship between attitudes on migration and general beliefs and values,
iii. subjects' political and ethical backgrounds