1. Defining the process of political communication. 2. Development of research on political communication in selected countries (mainly Poland and Russia). 3. Study of the genres of political statements. 4. Polish and Russian political imagery. 5. Internet - a new plane of political communication. 6. The role of the media in political communication - mediatisation of election campaigns, contemporary electoral communication. The role of pseudo-events in running an election campaign. Analysis of selected election campaigns in Poland and Russia. 7. Public opinion as a space for political communication. 8. Journalists and politicians: forms of mutual relations. 9. Political actors - individual, collective, corporate. 10. Political Public Relations - PR political strategies, information campaigns. 11. Marketing communication tools - political advertising, direct marketing. Political advertising. 12. Political communication in the local space. 13. Political communication in the international space.
Faculty of Languages
PI name
Urszula Patocka-Sigłowy
PI email
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Urszula Patocka-Sigłowy
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Patocka-Sigłowy Urszula, Komunikowanie polityczne w Rosji. Specyfika dyskursu prezydenckiego, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2019, ISBN 978-83-7865-789-7
Międzyjęzykowe i międzykulturowe konteksty współczesnego dyskursu publicznego, red. A. Pstyga, U. Patocka-Sigłowy, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2017, ISBN 978-83-7865-541-1
Patocka-Sigłowy Urszula, Gorąca linia Władimira Putina - prezydent w ogniu pytań obywateli, w: Perswazja językowa w różnych dyskursach, red. Ż. Sładkiewicz, A. Klimkiewicz, vol. 1, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2017, ISBN 978-83-7865-482-7, ss. 131-147
Patocka-Sigłowy Urszula, The mechanism of political speeches using the example of the address of president Vladimir Putin, "Russian Linguistic Bulletin" 2015, nr 3 (3), ss. 24-28.