Tomasz Besta works as associate professor at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Gdańsk. He is involved in research in the area of personality and social psychology. His main research interests are the analysis of intergroup relations, collective actions, radicalization, and group dynamics. He also conducts studies on cognitive biases and on the role of scientific communication in the perception of science and technology, and is involved in national and international research projects, as well as workshops and lectures promoting science. Co-author of the books „Między Grupami. Przewodnik po relacjach z ludźmi, którzy się od nas różnią [Between Groups. A guide to relationships with people who are different from us] ”(ed. Smak Słowa), and „Walcz, protestuj, zmieniaj świat. Psychologia aktywizmu [Fight, protest, change the World. Psychology of Activism]” (ed. Smak Słowa).
Our research focused on group processes and intergroup relations, urban life, place attachment, walkability, well-being, processes of radicalization and polarization, personality factors influencing social relations.