Environmental Psychology and Intergroup Relations Lab

Submitted by Michal.Harciarek on Sat, 02/19/2022 - 12:13
Photo of the research group
Institute of Psychology/Department of Social Sciences
Size of the team
number of researchers number of supporting staff number of PhD students
PI name
Tomasz Besta
PI bio

Tomasz Besta works as associate professor at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Gdańsk. He is involved in research in the area of personality and social psychology. His main research interests are the analysis of intergroup relations, collective actions, radicalization, and group dynamics. He also conducts studies on cognitive biases and on the role of scientific communication in the perception of science and technology, and is involved in national and international research projects, as well as workshops and lectures promoting science. Co-author of the books „Między Grupami. Przewodnik po relacjach z ludźmi, którzy się od nas różnią [Between Groups. A guide to relationships with people who are different from us] ”(ed. Smak Słowa), and „Walcz, protestuj, zmieniaj świat. Psychologia aktywizmu [Fight, protest, change the World. Psychology of Activism]” (ed. Smak Słowa).


RG link: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tomasz-Besta

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6209-3677

Contact person and e-mail
Contact person
Tomasz Besta
Contact person e-mail
Short description of research profile

Our research focused on group processes and intergroup relations, urban life, place attachment, walkability, well-being, processes of radicalization and polarization, personality factors influencing social relations.

Research area

Representative publications

Jaśkiewicz, M., Besta, T., Borchet, J. (2021). Collective angst and group continuity as predictors of collective action for progressive city policies. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, online first, https://doi.org/10.1177/1368430220987603
Besta, T., Pastwa-Wojciechowska, B., Jaśkiewicz, M., Piotrowski, A., & Szulc, M. (2021). Radicalisation and individual differences: Disinhibition, boldness and meanness as predictors of support for radical collective action. Personality and Individual Differences, 168, 110354.  
Besta, T., Jaśkiewicz, M., Kosakowska-Berezecka, N., Lawendowski, R., & Zawadzka, A. M. (2018). What do I gain from joining crowds? Does self‐expansion help to explain the relationship between identity fusion, group efficacy and collective action. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48, O152-O167. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/ejsp.2332
Jaśkiewicz, M., Besta, T. (2017). Out of place' in the city: Development of socio-spatial disorder sensitivity scale in urban settings. Journal of Community Psychology, 45(2), 250–266 doi: 10.1002/jcop.21846.
Jaśkiewicz, M., Besta, T. (2014). Heart and mind in public transport: Analysis of motives, satisfaction and psychological correlates of public transportation usage in the Gdańsk-Sopot-Gdynia Tricity agglomeration in Poland. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 26, Part A, 92–101.

Link to extended list of publication