Claudio Porzio, Gabriele Sampagnaro, Giuseppe G. Santorsola, Maria Grazia Starita, Francesca Battaglia, Laura Belinda Del Gaudio, Daniele Previtali, Dario Salerno, Gian Paolo Stella, Vincenzo Verdoliva
The Banking and Finance group at UPN is dedicated to exploring some aspects of banking and financial markets, including the intersection between finance and sustainability. We are passionate about driving positive change in the financial industry through cutting-edge research in alt least 4 key areas: i) financial intermediation, our experts delve into the intricacies of financial intermediaries, studying how banks, investment firms, and other institutions facilitate capital flow, risk management, and economic growth. ii) Climate finance,with a commitment to addressing climate change, we investigate innovative financial solutions that promote environmental sustainability. iii) Venture capital. In the fast-paced world of venture capital, we analyze emerging trends, investment strategies, and the impact of technology on startups. Our insights help both investors and entrepreneurs navigate the ever-evolving landscape of innovation and funding. iv) Fintech. The fintech revolution is transforming finance, and our group is at the forefront of this evolution. We study digital banking, blockchain technology, payment innovations, and data analytics to unlock the potential of financial technology for a more inclusive and efficient financial ecosystem.