Understanding Oceans Dynamics - CIMA

Submitted by Sara_Raposo-CIMA on Mon, 09/18/2023 - 10:59
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The Centre for Marine and Environmental Research (CIMA) is a R&D unit of excellence from the Portuguese national higher education system, through the University of Algarve (UAlg).

Supported by its relevance in the two main scientific research areas of Ocean and Coastal Dynamics and Environmental Systems and Resources, CIMA integrates the nationwide multi-institutional Aquatic Research Network Associate Laboratory (ARNET) and S2AQUA CoLAB. Together, these two national networks involve close to 800 researchers working within 27 different institutions from state laboratory to private companies, including higher education and public regional institutions.

CIMA and the University of Algarve integrate the INTERNATIONAL CAMPUS OF EXCELLENCE IN MARINE SCIENCE CEI·MAR, with some of the most important Marrocco and Spanish universities and institutions in the area of the marine research.

The multidisciplinary and excellence of CIMA also contribute to its integration in international research and expert networks such as  the European Space Agency, the European Consortium for Ocean Research Drilling, the Future Earth ocean Knowledge Action, and the United Nation through the World Ocean Assessment.

PI name
Rita Domingues / Sara Raposo
PI email
Contact person and e-mail
Contact person
Rita Domingues
Contact person e-mail
Short description of research profile

Improve knowledge on the processes that drive the dynamics and evolution of marine and coastal systems, aimed at a proper use and management of these environments 

Understanding oceans dynamics

Coastal and ocean observations and modelling

Application and validation of remote sensing to the marine and coastal zone

Assessment of dynamics, environmental quality, ecology, and ecohydrology of coastal and marine areas

Scientific Themes (keywords)

Representative publications

Garel, E. (2018). Present dynamics of the Guadiana estuary. In: Guadiana River Estuary, Investigating the Past, Present and Future, Moura, D., Gomes, A., Mendes, I. & Aníbal, J. Ed., CIMA-UAlg.
Tosic, M., Martins, F., Lonin, S., Izquierdo, A. and Restrepo, J. (2019). A practical method for setting coastal water quality targets: Harmonization of land-based discharge limits with marine ecosystem thresholds. Journal Marine Policy, 108, 103641, IF: 2.495. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2019.103641
Correia, C., Torres, A. F., Rosa, A., Cravo, A., Jacob, J, de Oliveira Júnior, L., Garel, E. (2020). Export of dissolved and suspended matter from the main estuaries in south Portugal during winter conditions. Marine Chemistry, 224, 1-15, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2020.103827
Ferreira, Ó., Kupfer, S. & Costas, S. (2021). Implications of sea-level rise for overwash enhancement at South Portugal. Natural Hazards, 109, 2221–2239. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-021-04917-0
Blount, T. R., Carrasco, A. R., Cristina, S., & Silvestri, S. (2022). Exploring open-source multispectral satellite remote sensing as a tool to map long-term evolution of salt marsh shorelines. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 266, 107664. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107664

Link to extended list of publication