Rosalia Castellano, Giovanni De Luca, Sergio Longobardi, Paolo Mazzocchi, Margherita Pagliuca, Andrea Regoli, Giorgia Rivieccio, Antonella Rocca, Giuseppe Scandurra
Rosalia Castellano is full professor of Economic Statistics. She is Member of the Board of the Ph.D in “Economics, Statistics and Sustainability” of the University of Naples “Parthenope”. She graduated in Economics cum laude and then earned a Ph.D. in “Computational Statistics and Application” from University of Naples “Federico II”. Her research contributions cover a wide range of topics, including spatial analysis of land use, analysis of space-time dynamics of innovation processes, development of composite indicators in the field of gender gap and tourism sustainability, labour market structure, wage differentials and skills inequalities.
Economic statisticians employ specialised methodologies to delve into a variety of themes. The research activities of our statisticians group are primarily centred around three key areas: 1) statistical analysis of sustainability across its multifaceted aspects, including economic, social, environmental, and energy sustainability; 2) statistical models to examine corporate innovation and its impact on the labour market and human capital; 3) statistical models for finance, including the analysis of extreme values and forecasting, enhanced by sentiment analysis techniques.