The research group consists of two Faculties and one Ph.D. student, namely: Massimiliano de Magistris (Full Professor), Valentino Scalera (Research Assistant), Daniele Centanni (Ph.D. Student)
Massimiliano de Magistris, PhD, Department of Engineering, University of Naples Parthenope, Full Professor of Electrotechnics (PO, SSD ING-IND-31), author or co-author of more than 120 technical papers on peer reviewed journals, international conferences proceedings and international laboratory reports, co-author of one University text-book, author of a MOOC course on Electrical Circuits available at edX platform.
He received the Doctor degree (Hons.) in Electronic Engineering in 1991 and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Naples FEDERICO II, Italy, in 1994. From 1992 to 1993, he was a Visiting Researcher with the Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionenforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany, working on magnetic plasma lenses and electromagnetic design for the focusing of intense ion beams. From 1994 to 2001, he was a Research Associate with the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Naples FEDERICO II. He is currently a Full Professor of Electrical Engineering with the Department of Engineering University of Naples PARTHENOPE, teaching courses on fundamentals of electromagnetics, basic and advanced circuit theory. His research interests have been in the general areas of applied electromagnetics and electrical circuits, plasmas and controlled fusion, and particle accelerators engineering. He has additionally addressed some research problems in the area of technology-based engineering education and e-learning. His current research interests are in the plasmas and controlled fusion, macro modeling of electrical and electronic systems, nonlinear and complex networks analysis. He has been author and coauthor of more than 120 peer-reviewed scientific articles for international journals, books chapters conference proceedings and international laboratories reports, the Chairman of the editorial board and organizer of some IEEE conferences, and a reviewer for several scientific primary journals and conferences.
- Team leader (2017 to present) for the task SND Magnet @ CERN SHiP project (Searc for Hidden Particles, https://ship.web.cern.ch/ship/), for the design of a large solenoid magnet as spectrometer (1 MW electrical power, around 10 cubic meters magnetized volume and 300 Tons weight), leading a group of 10+ researchers.
- Responsible for the 2018-2020 EUROfusion tasks (PMI-2.1-T020, PMI-2.1-T033) for the evaluation of the stray magnetic field for the DEMO Tokamak, supported by EU under EUROfusion program, leading to deliverable, PMI-2.1-T033-D002.
- Principal Investigator for the project “Control and Synchronization of Circuits Complex Networks” (2011-2012), supported by Science and Technology School of University of Naples FEDERICO II under the program F.A.R.O., leading a team of 16 Researchers from two University Departments and three Disciplinary Sectors.
- Project Manager for the NETTUNO University for the project GUARDIANS (2000-2002), for the design and realization of “smart learning objects” in the area of Electrical Engineering, supported by EU under the V FP Program. Such project has led to the realization of a pioneering and innovative repository of web resources, and to the definition and realization of a Virtual Laboratory of Electromagnetics.
- Unit Research Scientific responsible for the Project of Research of National Interest (PRIN 1998-2000): "Models and methods for plasma control for magnetic confinement devices for Thermonuclear Controlled Fusion, supported by Italian Ministry of University.
- Currently associated to Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) for the design of magnet spectrometers at CERN.
- Best paper prize, given from Royal Chemistry Society at 15th International Conference on Nanotechnology (IEEE Nano 2015) for the paper “Carbon Based Power Delivery Networks for Nanoscale ICs: Electrothermal Performance Analysis”
- Awarded as Senior Member at the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) in 2012.
- Editoral Board Chairman of the IEEE Workshop on Signal propagation on Interconnects, 2012.
From 1995 to present he has been University course holder, at the BSc, MSs and PhD level for the following subjects:
- Electrotechnics.
- Plasmas and controlled fusion.
- Basic electric circuits.
- Advanced circuits theory.
- Numerical models for circuits
- Fundamentals of electric circuits
- Complex networks and circuits simulation
He has been scientific responsible of the Laboratory of Circuits and Electric and Magnetic diagnostics at Department of Electrical Engineering at University of Naples Federico II (2001-2020). He has been supervisor of about 50 Master and Undergraduate Thesis, of about 10 Laboratory internships and mentor for two PhD Thesis. He has been member of the Electrical Engineering PhD school council at University of Naples FEDERICO II from 2001 to 2017, the Engineering for Energy and Environment PhD school council of Tuscia University from 2015 to 2019, and is presently member of the PhD school council at University Parthenope of Naples.
He is co-author of the University Text “Circuiti”, ed. SPRINGER (I ed. 2007, II ed. 2015), and author of the MOOC course “Fundamentals of electric circuits” available on line at www.federica.eu/c/fondamenti_di_circuiti_elettrici and at the platform edX.
He is responsible for the University agreement with the Surrogate Modeling (SUMO) Lab, Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Ghent University, Belgium. ERASMUS+: Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility for Traineeships, 2014-2021.
His research activity spanned over the range of topics that includes:
- Engineering for particle accelerators.
- Engineering electromagnetic modelling of Tokamaks
- Non linear circuits and complex networks
- Signal and power integrity analysis of circuits and systems
- Research on new technologies in Engineering Education
- Plasmas and Accelerators Engineering
Most relevant scientific achievements, also within the previously mentioned research projects, are here briefly summarized:
- Full design of a large solenoid magnet as spectrometer for the CERN SHiP project, with 2-D and 3-D numerical analysis including electromagnetics, mechanical and thermal modelling.
- Assessment of magnetic field in the DEMO tokamak complex, with the definition of affordable and reliable modelling techniques for the evaluation of static and dynamic stray magnetic field in a Tokamak.
- Realization of a unique prototypal circuital set-up for the experimental analysis of synchronization and emerging dynamics in complex networks.
- Conception and implementation of a new identification procedure (Positive Fraction Vector Fitting) based on Quadratic Programming techniques for the passive identification and realization of circuital equivalents of electromagnetic/thermal structures.
- Realization of a pioneering on-line MATLAB-Based Virtual Laboratory for electromagnetics, serving also as Editor of a selected collection of learning objects in the area of Electrical Engineering.
- Participation to fundamental experimental studies at Gesellschaft fuer Schwerionen Forschung (GSI-Darmstadt) on plasma lenses and plasma ion interaction for intense particle beams.
Design and optimization of large magnets for High Energy Physics and Medical Applications. Modeling, identification and design of Tokamak configuratione for Magnetic Confinement Controlled Nuclear Fusion. Non linear circuits and complex networks, synchronization and emerging dynamics. Electromagnetic compatibility, signal and power integrity for high speed circuits.