Napoli Fintech Lab -Financial Innovation Lab-

Submitted by gianpaolostella on Tue, 10/24/2023 - 12:24
Department of Business and Quantitative Studies
Size of the team
number of researchers number of supporting staff number of PhD students
Composition of Joint Unit of Research, if relevant

Claudio Porzio, Gabriele Sampagnaro, Giuseppe G. Santorsola, Maria Grazia Starita, Francesca Battaglia, Laura Belinda Del Gaudio, Daniele Previtali, Dario Salerno, Gian Paolo Stella, Vincenzo Verdoliva





PI name
Daniele Previtali
PI bio

Daniele Previtali is an Associate Professor in Banking and Finance at the Department of Business Studies and Quantitative Methods (DISAQ) of the University of Naples "Parthenope." He is the Founder and Director of the Napoli FinTech Lab, a financial innovation laboratory focused on open innovation that develops prototypes of fintech products and services and incubates startups in collaboration with partners from the financial and technology industry. His primary research interests revolve around innovation, with a particular emphasis on digital transformation models in the banking and financial sector, corporate governance in financial intermediaries, value creation mechanisms in banks, and the role of media and their impact on financial markets.

Contact person and e-mail
Contact person
Daniele Previtali
Contact person e-mail
Short description of research profile

Napoli FinTech Lab is a top-tier, fully-funded educational initiative for emerging talents. Founded on a financial innovation workshop, it sees the participation of universities, key financial sector companies, a technological partner, fintech startups, and students. Its aim is to establish a university-based fintech ecosystem that actively contributes to the digital transformation of the banking and financial sectors. The laboratory offers a qualified, fast and free high-level training plan, enabling the acquisition of distinctive professional knowledge and skills in designing fintech products and services.The aim is to train a new job of the Fintech Project Manager, that is, a complexity manager, able to make the Financial and Technological parts interact effectively. The laboratory is a Playground, where experimenting with a practical approach to training. Study and Do because designing means learning by exploring. The laboratory’s partners invest in new talent, bringing innovation to the university, experimenting with co-design logic, and making 10 internships available to the best participants. The Laboratory has two distinct paths and distinct track. The Open Innovation track offers a specialized high-level training program focused on Financial Intermediation and Fintech, Python Programming, Artificial Intelligence, Design Thinking, Digital Design, and Functional Analysis. This training is designed to equip participants with the necessary skills to undertake real fintech projects, as proposed by the lab's partners. Participants are given the chance to craft fintech prototypes both in terms of design and technological-digital dimensions. On the other hand, the Start-up track provides training on Business Design Thinking, complemented by external advisory sessions. This is geared towards helping participants formulate a compelling pitch to be presented to the lab's partners and potential investors.


Representative publications

Bellardini L., Del Gaudio B.L., Previtali D., Verdoliva V. (2022) How do banks invest in fintechs? Evidence from advanced economies, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, 101498    
Carlini F., Del Gaudio B. L., Porzio C., Previtali D. (2021) Banks, FinTech and stock returns, Finance Research Letters, 102252.
Salerno, D., Sampagnaro, G., & Verdoliva, V. (2022). Fintech and IPO underpricing: An explorative study. Finance Research Letters, 44, 102071
Previtali, D. (2022) Fintech: l’innovazione tecnologica applicata ai servizi finanziari, in Nadotti, L., Porzio, C., Previati, D., Economia degli intermediari finanziari, IV edizione, McGrawHill
Porzio C., Previtali D., Del Gaudio B.L. (2020) Banche e FinTech: rischi e strategie di investimento, Bancaria, vol. 6., pp. 66-79.
Technology Expertise

Our laboratory's mission is to pioneer innovative solutions in the realm of financial technology, and we achieve this through our unwavering commitment to cutting-edge technology expertise. Two pillars form the foundation of our technology endeavors: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Generative AI. Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a driving force that revolutionizes the financial industry. With AI algorithms and machine learning techniques, we empower decision-makers, automate tasks, and enhance operational efficiency. Predictive analytics, natural language processing, and computer vision are just a glimpse of the powerful tools we employ to tackle complex financial challenges. The result? Improved services, more efficient processes, and smarter financial decisions. However, we don't stop at AI; we push the boundaries of innovation further through Generative AI. This exciting field encompasses Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) and other generative models. It allows us to do something extraordinary – create new financial products, services, and solutions from scratch. We harness generative techniques to imagine and prototype novel concepts that cater to the ever-evolving needs of the financial sector. Our collaboration with industry and technology partners is central to our success. Together, we explore how AI and Generative AI can disrupt traditional financial models, drive efficiency, and nurture groundbreaking fintech startups. Our laboratory's commitment to staying on the cutting edge of these technologies positions us as leaders in shaping the future of financial innovation.As we move forward, it's essential to remember that technology is not a mere tool; it's an enabler of possibilities. It's a means to unlock creativity, efficiency, and new opportunities. At the Napoli FinTech Lab, we are not just spectators of this digital transformation; we are its architects and champions.