Paulo Jorge Correia (b. Faro, 1966) has a degree in Anthropology from NOVA FCSH and is since february 2023 coordinator of the Centro de Estudos Ataíde Oliveira, a research center at the University of Algarve. He become a member of this research center in 1997, where he has carried out scientific research in literature of oral tradition, namely in folktales and legends, as an FCT scholarship holder. He is responsible for the constitution and maintenance of the archive / catalog of Portuguese folktales and the online database of legends. He has given lectures in Portugal and abroad, many of them as part of colloquiums or congresses on oral literature. He has written articles and critical reviews on folktales and legends in specialized journals such as ELO (Portugal), ELOP (Catalonia), Fabula (Germany), Journal of American Folklore (USA) and is co-author of the Catálogo dos Contos Tradicionais Portugueses (com as versões análogas dos países lusófonos), 2 Vols. Edições Afrontamento, 2016. He is a member of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, and belongs to the Belief Narrative Network. He has recently traveled the country to talk about folktales at various Oral Narration Festivals (Palavras Andarilhas, Contanário, Passo a Palavra, Rio de Contos, etc.) He has also worked in partnership with Manuel da Costa Fontes in editing and classifying four collections of traditional Portuguese tales collected by him in the 1970s among Portuguese emigrants from California, Massachusetts, Canada and a collection of short stories collected in the Azores.
a) Oral Literature Databases
1998- 2001: “Catalogue and Archive of Traditional Portuguese Tales” (Praxis /2/2.1/CSH/709/95). Responsible for bibliographical research, creation of a physical archive of versions, an electronic database and the “skeleton” of the catalogue.
2003-2006: “Arquivo dos Contos e Romances da Tradição Oral Portuguesa” (Sapiens POCTI 71999; ELT 34133/99). Two-headed project, in which we continued the tasks of the previous project in the field of short stories. Also responsible for classifying versions. Preparation and editing of the English version of the Portuguese Short Story Catalog (see publications).
2006-2007: Grant from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation to expand the Portuguese Short Story Catalog, adding analogous versions from all Portuguese-speaking countries (Brazil; Cape-Verde; Guinea-Bissau; Angola; Mozambique; Goa; Timor). Responsible for bibliographical research, selection, classification of versions and integration of them into the Portuguese Short Story Catalog. Translation into Portuguese of the English edition of the catalog with the aim of publishing it at FCG. (At this moment the number of versions amounts to around 9000 for Portugal and around 4000 for Lusofonia).
2007-2011: “Catalog and Archive of Portuguese Legends” (PTDC /ELT / 65673 / 2006) Responsible for bibliographical research, digitization of texts, classification and completion of an online database: www.lendarium.org. (The project ended in April with around 3500 legends).
2012-2013: "Traditional Oral Literature Digital Archive (ADLOT)" - PTDC/CLE-LLI/104023/2008. Responsible for classifying the unpublished collection of tales and legends belonging to the Center for Portuguese Popular Traditions at the Faculty of Arts of Lisbon. This collection is made up of versions collected between 2002 and 2007.
2017-2018: “Identification, classification and text fixation of oral tradition tales from the CEAO unpublished archive, University of Algarve”, relating to collections made by students at this institution between 2003 and 2017.
b) Collaboration in publications as Oral Literature Type-index expert
- Classification of two collections of short stories made by António Fontinha and published on CD with a circulation of less than 10 copies for use by the local authorities/libraries that financed them: Contos que a Memória Guarda, Alijó, Câmara Municipal de Alijó, 2003 [14 audio CD + 1 unpublished audio CD of licentious stories]; Lands of Santa Maria. Association of Municipalities of Terras de Santa Maria, 2004 [20 CD – Collection by António Fontinha + 9 CD – Collection by Ana Azevedo]
- Stay for a week in Vigo (in 2007) to carry out classification work for the Catalog Tipolóxico do Conto Galego da Tradición Oral, by Camiño Noia Campos. (University of Vigo – Publication Service, 2010)
- Classification and notes of a corpus of traditional tales collected in 2005 in Bahia (Brazil) by Marco Haurélio. This collaboration has been ongoing since 2006 and resulted in the following works: Contos Folclóricas Brasileiros, S.P., Paulus, 2010, and Contos e Fábulas do Brasil, S.P., Nova Alexandria, 2011.
- Classification of the stories collected by Alexandre Parafita included in the work Intangible Heritage of the Douro: Oral Narrations. Tales. Legends. Myths. Vol. 2. Peso da Régua, Douro Museum, 2010.
- Classification of a corpus of short stories collected in Cova da Beira, in the 70s, by Maria da Ascensão Carvalho Rodrigues. This substantial collection was published in the volume Contos de Velha ao Soalheiro. Covilhã, City Council, 2013.
- Cataloging, notes and analogues of the traditional legends contained in the volume by Idália Custódio et al. Vária: Oral Heritage of the Municipality of Loulé, Vol. V. Loulé: Municipality of Loulé, 2013. pp. 345-348
- Classification of stories, legends and other genres of oral literature for the online project Memoriamedia: www.memoriamedia.org
- Classification of the stories collected by Alexandre Parafita included in the work Intangible Heritage of the Douro: Oral Narrations. Tales. Legends. Myths. Vol. 3. Peso da Régua, Douro Museum, 2014.
- Classification of four unpublished collections of short stories collected by António Fontinha: 1. Manuel Ramalho (in 1995); 2. José Craveiro (in Tentúgal, within the scope of the CITEMOR project, 2019); 3. To several informants (in Mafra, 2005-2023); 4. To several informants (in Mértola, 2014).
- Classification of the short stories included in the book by Marco Haurélio and Wilson Marques, Contos e Lendas da Terra do Sol. São Paulo: Paulus, 2018
- Classification of the short stories included in Marco Haurélio’s book, Vozes da Tradição. Fortaleza: IMEPH, 2018.
- Classification of the short stories included in Marco Haurélio's book, Contos Encandados do Brasil. Belo Horizonte: Aletria, 2022.
- Classification of three collections of unpublished collections made by Manuel da Costa Fontes among Portuguese emigrants:
1) Portuguese Folktales from Canada / Portuguese Folktales from Canada. Peter Lang, New York et al., 2022
2) Portuguese Folktales from California. Co-edition: Ponta Delgada: Letras Lavadas / Fresno, Burma publications, California State University. 2023
3) Portuguese Folktales from Massachusetts (Guilherme Alexandre da Silveira) / Portuguese Folktales from Massachusetts. New York et al., Peter Lang, 2023
- Classification of the stories collected by Alexandre Parafita included in the work Lendas e Contos Populares Transmontanos - Vol. I: Bragança e Vinhais. Sintra: Zéfiro, 2024.
- Classification and transcription of a collection of unpublished short stories collected by Manuel da Costa Fontes in the Azores (Terceira and S. Jorge) in 1975. (in press)