Maja Ljubetić, PhD, full professor – family and preschool pedagogy
Ina Reić Ercegovac, PhD, associate professor – developmental psychology
Anita Mandarić Vukušić, PhD, assistant professor – family pedagogy
Katija Kalebić Jakupčević, PhD – developmental and clinical psychology
Toni Maglica, PhD – postdoctoral researcher, special education- behavioural problems
Bruno Barać – PhD student, psychology
Number of scientists: 217545
ORCID ID: D-6954-2017; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9344-5580
adolescents (internalizing/externalizing behaviour, mental health, risk behaviours, self-concept)
Methods: Quantitative and qualitative (interviews, survey)
Outcomes: explored relationship between implicit parenting and parenting behaviours; comprehensive model of parenting influences on children’s developmental outcomes in behavioural, mental health and self-concept domains