Photo of the research group

University of Gdańsk/ Social Sciences Department / Institute of Psychology / Department of Economic and Organizational Psychology
PI name
Anna Maria Zawadzka
PI email
PI bio
Anna Maria Zawadzka is associate professor in Institute of Psychology at University of Gdańsk and Head of the Department of Economic and Organizational Psychology. Her Research areas include: values in consumer culture versus wellbeing, happiness, and good interpersonal relationships; individual and social determinants of materialism in teenagers; values, work and well-being; consumer behaviour.
Contact person
Anna Maria Zawadzka
Contact person e-mail
WWW page address
Short description of research profile
- Our projects aim at making people understand what determines well-being and quality of life in socio-economic and cultural context. The areas of our interest include: social psychology, psychology of individual differences, economic psychology, consumer and organizational psychology.
- The major part of our studies focuses on teen materialism. We analyze how parents’, siblings’ and peers’ values and materialism may account for teen materialism. We also look into the influence of different kinds of media on teen materialism. We examine the influence of various safety-threat situations - parent-related and peer-related and sibling-related on the relationship between teen materialism and parental materialism and peer materialism. We design intervention research and look for ways of reducing materialism among adolescents, and, in this way, enhancing their well-being. We conduct intervention research focusing on activism, self-esteem, gratitude and consumer education as antidotes to materialism.
- We also explore the consequences of preferred goals and values for employee motivation to work, work engagement, work-family balance, well-being and work efficiency. We are also look for determinants of satisfaction with life and at work in the changing socioeconomic environment.
Research area
Scientific Themes (keywords)
Representative publications
Zawadzka, A.M., Kasser, T. Borchet, J., Iwanowska M., & Lewandowska-Walter, A. (2021). The effect of materialistic social models on teenagers’ materialistic aspirations: Results from priming experiments. Current Psychology, 40, 5958-5971.
Zawadzka, A.M., Kasser, T., Niesiobędzka, M. Lewandowska-Walter, A., & Górnik-Durose, M. (2021). Environmental correlates of adolescent’ materialism: Interpersonal role models, media exposure, and family socio-economic status. Journal of Child and Family Studies,
Zawadzka A.M., Iwanowska M., Borchet J., & Lewandowska-Walter A. (2022). Can self-esteem help teens resist unhealthy influence of materialistic goals promoted by role models? Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 687388.
van Dick, R., Cordes, B. L., Lemoine, J. E. et al. (2021). Identity leadership. Employee burnout and mediating role of team identification: Evidence from the Global Identity Leadership Development Project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, (22), 1-24,
Borchet, J., Lewandowska-Walter, A., Połomski P. et al. (2020). We are in this together: Retrospective parentification, sibling relationships, and self-esteem. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 29, (10), 2982-2991.