Mathematical methods for economics, finance and actuarial science

Submitted by Francesca Perla on Mon, 09/18/2023 - 12:19
Department of of Management and Quantitative Studies
Size of the team
number of researchers number of supporting staff number of PhD students
Composition of Joint Unit of Research, if relevant

Stefania Corsaro, Giuseppe De Marco, Chiara Donnini, Federica Gioia, Zelda Marino, Francesca Perla, Armando Sacco, Salvatore Scognamiglio, Paolo Zanetti

PI name
Francesca Perla
PI bio

Francesca Perla is Full Professor of Mathematical methods of economics, finance and actuarial sciences. She is Director of the Department of Management and Quantitative Studies. She was Pro-rector for Orientation and Placement and Member of Board of Directors of the University of Naples Parthenope.
She graduated in Mathematics cum laude and then earned a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from University of Naples “Federico II”.
In the last years, her research activity focused on the selection and the development of mathematical methods and algorithms, computational and data processing techniques to solve scientific application-oriented problems, with particular care to economic and financial ones. In this context, she contributed in the developing of numerical methods, algorithms and mathematical software to solve, in High Performance Computing (HPC) environments, Computational Finance problems. In particular, she studied innovative financial instruments, such as Collateralized Mortgage Obligations, Asian options and portfolios of life insurance policies. Currently her research activity is principally devoted to the application of Machine Learning techniques in the “Solvency II” framework for reducing the computational burden of nested Monte Carlo simulations and for improving the predictive ability of mortality stochastic models.

Contact person and e-mail
Contact person
Francesca Perla
Contact person e-mail
Short description of research profile

The research activities of the Applied Mathematics Group of the UPN focus on the development of mathematical models, methods and algorithms and simulation procedures to solve complex problems in the financial-economic sector and support the growth of both traditional financial institutions, such as banks and insurance companies, and innovative companies. Research topics include, but are not limited to:

i) the definition of game theory models to understand and describe the interaction mechanisms among economic agents;

ii) the development of fast numerical methods and efficient simulation procedures to analyze future economic and financial scenarios;

iii) the study of the Artificial Intelligence paradigms with a focus on the development of algorithms based on explainable AI that encourages the safe introduction of data-driven tools in highly regulated sectors such as finance and insurance;

iv) the definition of stochastic models for the measurement and control of the longevity risks affecting the life-insurance companies and governments with social security pension obligations;

v) the developing of mathematical software based on High Performance Computing systems able to provide helpful insights to the decision-makers quickly.

The group is in the lead in the application of the HPC, machine learning and AI paradigms that are providing new opportunities within economic, financial and actuarial sciences.
