Inclusive Educational Technologies Research Group

Submitted by Jelena on Mon, 05/20/2024 - 22:35
Faculty of Science / Department of Computer Science
Size of the team
number of researchers number of supporting staff number of PhD students
Composition of Joint Unit of Research, if relevant

Jelena Nakić, PhD, Assistant Professor, user research, user-centered design and adaptive systems
Nikola Marangunić, PhD, Assistant Professor, educational psychology, technology acceptance
Jelena Šiško, PhD candidate, primary education, special education and inclusion

PI name
Jelena Nakić
PI bio

Jelena Nakić specializes in user research and user-centred design for adaptive e-learning platforms and immersive learning environments. Her work involves designing methodologies to evaluate the usability, presence, and educational effectiveness of these environments, ensuring a robust and effective learning experience for students. She has collaborated in one national project on adaptive education and three EU-funded projects on digital education and 3D virtual worlds.

Contact person and e-mail
Contact person
Jelena Nakić
Contact person e-mail
Short description of research profile

Inclusive EdTech Research Group is dedicated to research and development of advanced learning environments for regular students and students with difficulties. Emphasizing individualized approaches for students with learning difficulties, the group explores how virtual learning environments can be customized to meet unique needs. We also investigate factors influencing technology acceptance and usability by students and teachers. The group coordinates research and development of various learning environments, including traditional web and mobile interfaces, as well as immersive VR/AR/XR spaces.


Representative publications

Nakić, Jelena; Nižetić Kosović, Ivana; Franić, Ana. (2022) User-Centered Design as a Method for Engaging Users in the Development of Geovisualization: A Use Case of Temperature Visualization. Applied sciences (Basel), 12, 17; 8754, 21. doi: 10.3390/app12178754  
Granić, Andrina; Nakić, Jelena; Marangunić, Nikola. (2020) Scenario-based Group Usability Testing as a Mixed Methods Approach to the Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Virtual Learning Environments. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 58, 3, 616-639. DOI: 10.1177/0735633119859918
Nakić, Jelena; Burčul, Antonija; Marangunić, Nikola. (2019) User-Centred Design in Content Management System Development: The Case of EMasters. International journal of interactive mobile technologies, 13, 8; 43-59. doi: 10.3991/ijim.v13i08.10727
Nakić, Jelena; Granić, Andrina; Glavinić, Vlado. (2015) Anatomy of student models in adaptive learning systems: A systematic literature review of individual differences from 2001 to 2013. Journal of Educational Computing Research. 51, 4; 459-489. DOI: 10.2190/EC.51.4.E  
Marangunić, Nikola; Granić, Andrina. (2015) Technology acceptance model: a literature review from 1986 to 2013. Universal Access in the Information Society. Springer. 14, 1; 81-95. DOI: 10.1007/S10209-014-0348-1
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