Developing Sustainable Resource Exploitation - CIMA
Developing sustainable resource exploitation
Development and technological improvement of marine renewable energy
Developing sustainable resource exploitation
Development and technological improvement of marine renewable energy
Improve knowledge on the processes that drive the dynamics and evolution of marine and coastal systems, aimed at a proper use and management of these environments
Understanding oceans dynamics
Coastal and ocean observations and modelling
CIMA is a multidisciplinary centre of excellence of marine and environmental research. CIMA engages with society to implement important decisions about Blue and Green Growth at the national and international level, and thus contribute to the delivery of Sustainable Development Goals. The mission of CIMA is to deepen scientific knowledge of marine and environmental systems, to support and encourage innovation, and to provide training. CIMA integrates two main research areas: Ocean and Coastal Dynamics and Environmental Systems and Resources.
Our main research topics are: (1) zoobenthos with a special emphasis on species as well functional diversity, (2) biology, ecology and ecophysiology of benthic invertebrates with a special emphasis on non-indigenous species and anthropogenic pressure (3) innovative aquaculture with a special emphasis on recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and invertebrates. We work in the field, mainly in coastal waters, and conduct laboratory research based on an experimental approach.