Research groups
Displaying 276 - 300 of 519 research groups
Title Sort descending | PI name | Research area | University | |
276 | Island Tourism Platform | Dr Marie Avellino |
University of Malta |
277 | IT, organization and management development group (ITOMDev) | Nikša Alfirević |
University of Split |
278 | Jewish Studies Research Group | Izabela Morska |
University of Gdańsk |
279 | Journalism and New Media | Karianne Sørgård Olsen |
NORD University |
280 | Knowledge Building and Knowledge in Education | Mohamed el Ghami |
NORD University |
281 | Knowledge, management and organization in a Nordic context | Hege Eggen Børve |
NORD University |
282 | Knowledge, Organization and Society | Gry Cathrin Brandser |
NORD University |
283 | KPD | Collection of Plasmids and Microorganisms | Anna-Karina Kaczorowska |
University of Gdańsk |
284 | La créativité dans l'enseignement/apprentissage des langues et dans l'éducation des compétences sociales | Joanna Jereczek-Lipinska |
University of Gdańsk |
285 | LABERS-Laboratory (Sociology Studies and Research Laboratory) | Thierry Michot |
University of Bretagne Occidentale |
286 | LabLex - Law lab | Dorothée Guérin |
University of Bretagne Occidentale |
287 | Laboratory for early human development | Katarina Vukojević |
University of Split |
288 | Laboratory for research on sociolinguistic aspects of language, Laboratory for the aquisition and teaching of foreign languages | Joanna Mampe |
University of Gdańsk |
289 | Laboratory of biochemistry | Vedrana Čikeš Čulić |
University of Split |
290 | Laboratory of Biologically Active Compounds | Aleksandra Królicka |
University of Gdańsk |
291 | Laboratory of Bioorganic Chemistry | Krzysztof Rolka |
University of Gdańsk |
292 | Laboratory of Biophysics | Jacek Piosik |
University of Gdańsk |
293 | Laboratory of Biopolymer Structure | Stanislaw Oldziej |
University of Gdańsk |
294 | Laboratory of Extremophiles Biology | Tadeusz Kaczorowski |
University of Gdańsk |
295 | Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry | dr hab. Paulina Czaplewska |
University of Gdańsk |
296 | Laboratory of Peptide Chemistry | Adam Prahl |
University of Gdańsk |
297 | Laboratory of Plant Microbiology | Sylwia Jafra |
University of Gdańsk |
298 | Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology | Ewa Lojkowska |
University of Gdańsk |
299 | LABSTIC - From sensors to knowledge : Communicate and decide | Gilles COPPIN |
University of Bretagne Occidentale |
300 | LAPIS lab (Lean Advanced Production and Industrial Sustainable systems lab) | Fabio De Felice |
University of Naples Parthenope |